The digital revolution is opening up new sources of revenue to companies that know how to tap into it. And as the construction and agriculture equipment industry incorporates more software into the products it sells, there are valuable lessons manufacturers can learn from Silicon Valley. 
In this episode, former Oracle on Demand CEO, Stanford lecturer and IoT technology pioneer Dr. Timothy Chou discusses how OEMs can capture new revenue from digital services and attract the talent they need to make this corporate transformation.
Dr. Chou will present a free AEM members-only executive-level workshop on Aug. 9. Sign up today to reserve your spot, and subscribe to the AEM Industry Advisor for regular updates in your email about industry news and insights.
Music by Little Glass Men / CC BY 4.0

The digital revolution is opening up new sources of revenue to companies that know how to tap into it. And as the construction and agriculture equipment industry incorporates more software into the products it sells, there are valuable lessons manufacturers can learn from Silicon Valley. 

In this episode, former Oracle on Demand CEO, Stanford lecturer and IoT technology pioneer Dr. Timothy Chou discusses how OEMs can capture new revenue from digital services and attract the talent they need to make this corporate transformation.

Dr. Chou will present a free AEM members-only executive-level workshop on Aug. 9. Sign up today to reserve your spot, and subscribe to the AEM Industry Advisor for regular updates in your email about industry news and insights.

Music by Little Glass Men / CC BY 4.0