Hey everyone!  Welcome back to another mini episode of Advocate Activism!  I’m Amira. When we started this podcast last year, I realized how therapeutic it was for us to have a space where we can share our hopes & struggles as activists and students of Anti-racism, & doing it in a way that promotes Love […]

Hey everyone!  Welcome back to another mini episode of Advocate Activism!  I’m Amira. When we started this podcast last year, I realized how therapeutic it was for us to have a space where we can share our hopes & struggles as activists and students of Anti-racism, & doing it in a way that promotes Love & the opportunity for growth, WITHOUT shame. 

With over a year in, I’ve come to see a consistent pattern of drama and JUDGMENT within the Activism community & I believe with that comes opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding. 

Sometimes, I get so angry about the judgment of others, I have to intentionally step back and re-examine where my mind and heart are at. 

As an Anti-Racist student, there are things you don’t know until you know. When I made the choice earlier this year to take a stance on abolishing the police, I was scared because I didn’t want people to think I HATE them because they’re cops. The reality is, for me, “no good cop in a racist system”.  It’s just my reality now. 

Learning how to navigate what I feel is right and doing it in a way that doesn’t make others feel like shit is challenging & I continue to work on my approach and moreover, on my mind and heart. 

Finding faith leaders that believe in the same things (for the most part) as myself, where I get to practice the POWER OF PAUSE… THE POWER OF MINDFULNESS… THE POWER OF COMMUNITY & LOVE Is a whole new phase of my activism…

Even in that, the judgment from activists among the community about the ways in which we do this work is WILD! I hope if nothing else, during this mini episode you gain a better understanding of my headspace during these moments. 

I want to see community take more time finding ways to build each other up, WHILE sharing concerns, fears, mistakes so we can all keep growing together  

Love y’all!  Enjoy “Why the FUCK are activists so JUDGMENTAL”?


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