Hello beautiful humans! I’m Amira, welcome back to another mini episode.  I was just telling my bestie Rayah that our podcast is literally my Diary. It has been healing to have a space where I can speak my truths, hurts, growth pains and experiences within my activism world through the eyes of an Anti-Racist Student.  […]

Hello beautiful humans! I’m Amira, welcome back to another mini episode. 

I was just telling my bestie Rayah that our podcast is literally my Diary. It has been healing to have a space where I can speak my truths, hurts, growth pains and experiences within my activism world through the eyes of an Anti-Racist Student. 

During this month’s Sunday school class led by Heather Hawkins “Sunday school for folks who may not believe in God” (Every 1st SATURDAY of the month in Salem Oregon) we talked about the difference between Ontology and Epistemology. We spoke about the question, “how do we know what we know?”

Before I started activism, one of my continued practices was working on my mindset, depression & Anxiety. 

As of late I hadn’t been able to regulate these things and found the trauma of the last year & a half, the losses I’ve experienced, the realizations of how I’m saturated with the work of calling attention to White Supremacy, within not only MYSELF, but others, has taken me into spaces I’ve never been, emotionally. 

Being in environments, with white folks & people of color along with, typically being one of the only voices speaking up takes a toll; But something beautiful has came out of my darkness…Being firm & intentional about MY Epistemology!

I’ve recently found my footing again. My Self-Care game is a priority.  I am renewed. I am strong. I am love & LOVED. I will not apologize for my process and I’m ready to take action to be self made, because after all, I have RADICAL ACCEPTANCE that I no longer belong in all spaces. 

Enjoy: MY love letter to myself & Some Meditation for YOU

Love Amira

Sunday school for folks who may not believe in God/Bible.


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