Karen Wickre, author of Taking the Work Out of Networking: An Introvert’s Guide to Making Connections That Count, discusses why you need to stay in touch with the “weak ties” in your network and how to do it.

You’ll hear:

Why it's important to stay in touch with your "weak ties" How you can network effectively using social media That building a robust network requires long-term, cyclical, ongoing activity

Book: Taking the Work Out of Networking: An Introvert’s Guide to Making Connections That Count

Suggested books and articles: https://karenwickre.com/resources/

Article: Why You Need a Network of Low-Stakes, Casual Friendships

Website: www.karenwickre.com

Twitter: @kvox

LinkedIn: @karenwickre


Sign up for the Advice to My Younger Me monthly newsletter: www.tomyyounger.me

Sara can be reached on Twitter  Facebook and LinkedIn.

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