I shared on last weeks chapter of my start-up story that through a series of meeting certain people I was connected with a company here in St. Louis that works with helping to get start-ups off the ground. I'm being pretty vague at this point in the story about who that was not because I think it will fall through but because I want to protect them and the process that we are going through to see how this may work. I believe I'll be able to share with you in the future about what this partnership fully looks like.


This last week I had this important meeting with this company. I had my guns loaded and I was excited to see what might come of us talking about what their needs were and how I might be able to help them. After a lot of conversation, we turned to talk about how I could help and it all took a turn. Why? Because there wasn't a deal to be made. Was it because I wasn't good enough, smart enough or didn't have the skills? Nope. It was because there wasn't the opportunity I was looking for. See, I was hoping for a contractual agreement in which I would get paid by this company to help serve their clients. This opportunity wasn't on the table. It's because God had something better in mind - way better in fact.

Without getting into much of details, instead of working for this company in some capacity, I now get to meet with their clients, build a relationship with them and see if my services as a company will be a good fit. This is huge for a lot of reasons.

It provides me the opportunity to meet with a good number of start-ups, assesses their needs and see if I can help. It gives me the opportunity to build a long-term relationship with them, which could help grow the business down the road. Long-term, it provides an opportunity for a greater impact in growing Adventurous Faith. PROMOTION COMES FROM GOD

I'm undone. God saw something I couldn't see and clearly laid it on the table for me. Soon after this happened, I was reminded of a verse found in Psalm 75 that has become vital in me getting this business off the ground.

No one from the east or the west
or from the desert can exalt themselves.
It is God who judges:
He brings one down, he exalts another. - Psalm 75:6-7

Promotion comes from God. He provides opportunities. He promotes one and brings down another. It is God who opens doors and closes others.

My girlfriend helped me to kick this idea around in my heart shortly after this meeting when she said "God gave you the best option. He sees the long-term and gave you exactly what you needed." It's true. God did exactly that. I am undone by the way he cares for me in that way.