Has someone ever said to you, “That’s just the story you’re telling yourself?” On today’s episode of Adventures with Spirit, we’re unpacking what this phrase actually means when it comes to self-discovery work. We’ve invited our friend and best-selling author Lauren Schwarzfeld to help add some clarity to this discussion, as she shares her own experience of using her Spiritual Compass to find True North on her path of self-discovery. If you’ve ever felt lost or confused about what path to follow in life, listen in to Lauren’s story for tips and insights on how to start trusting yourself and tapping into your own Spiritual Compass.

This episode, we discuss:

[01:41] A reflection on the past season’s exploration of exploring self

[03:11] An explanation of the phrases ‘spiritual compass’ and ‘True North”

[05:08] Lauren’s story: from spreadsheets to alignment

[08:18] The roles of auto-pilot and alignment along our path of connecting to ourselves

[13:06] How Lauren learned to trust herself enough to stop doing the things she hated

[17:27] Figuring out True North and understanding your story as a whole

[19:47] Shifting the scripts in the stories we tell ourselves

[23:51] Techniques to bring in all the things that you love and release things you don’t

[29:56] A reflection on what Lauren’s ‘Get Curious’ techniques can teach us

[34:29] Lauren’s notes on finding the best expressions for you and how to find her

[35:45] A recap of the episode and thoughts on our responsibility in writing our own stories

[37:35] What’s coming next for Adventures With Spirit


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