YWAM Voices Series (2 of 5): Listen to  this encouraging true story of how a family took a risk, leaving what was comfortable, and pursuing the presence of God while seeing the world. Trent Walker shares his story of being in ministry but then taking a step of faith to travel. His family’s life was changed forever when a simple YouTube video went viral. He is now involved in YWAM Kona as a missionary, serving alongside his family. He shares honestly about risk and deep faith. Please forgive on the tail end of the conversation my mic turned off.

Purchase the YWAM story at https://amzn.to/356JHfY

Enroll in ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ e-course at https://www.charismacourses.com/courses/el-prophecy

Partner with Fireborn Ministries at https://firebornministries.com/