Having lived and worked in several different countries what I have learned is that no country or government is perfect. Every place has its problems, its share of corruption, and quirky little things that seem to make life more difficult than it really needs to be. And this includes my home country of the United States. 

As you could have easily guessed some countries are far worse than others. Now I am not very politically oriented and rarely do I feel compelled to make any sort of strong political statement. However, something was brought to my attention recently that completely changed my perspective on something. This has to do with everyday life, sustainability, as well as basic human rights.

China has become one of the largest economies in the world as well as one of the largest international traders for consumer goods.  In fact 21% of the consumer goods in the U.S. are "Made in China."  But we seem to ignore the fact that China has a dismal record for sustainability, fair trade, and basic humans rights. So why do we continue to financially support a country that goes against the very things we fight to defend.  

So listen to this episode and learn all about why we should ditch China. 

Always remember to live sustainably because this is how we build a better future.  
