As Americans, plain and simple, we are addicted to convenience. It is almost to the point of being ridiculous. And that convenience results in a short attention span, very little patience, and a wasteful lifestyle. But there is a different way to live, and a better way to live that is more environmentally friendly. And in the end of this episode I am going to give you 12 different ways to live differently. 

But in the end I truly believe that it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to figure out ways to live differently and in a more responsible manner. After all we live in the age of information.  

And in this age of information, ignorance is a choice. But in many respects the opposite of ignorance is awareness. And a big part of sustainability is a certain level of awareness and learning to make better choices. The simple fact is that as adults we are responsible for everything we choose to do and everything we choose not to do.  And I can tell you this simple concept is in your face almost everyday when you live off the grid and manage many of your own resources.  

Instead of sitting there in your ignorance as you throw away yet another plastic water bottle, why don’t you learn how to do something different.

Always live sustainably because this is how we build a better future.  
