Today's show is all about, yes, whether you can make money through podcasting.
Pilar has made a bit, but not proper money.
She mentions Entrepreneurs on Fire, as the first show she heard was turned into a business. Do you remember that?

Sponsorship is also a common way for shows to bring in some cash, as well as through membership sites like Patreon. You can hear past guest Matt Gilhooly talk about how he uses Patreon in episode 35.

Recommended podcasts for today:
The Creative Penn with Joanna Penn. It's a must listen for indie authors, but also interesting for any podcaster to hear the rapport that Joanna has with her audience during her solo sections.
The Tim Ferriss Show, in particular this episode:

If you're thinking of starting your own podcasting adventure, I recommend Buzzsprout as host - click here for my affiliate link, which also gets you a little discount, and Riverside FM for recording, which you can access through this other affiliate link.