In this episode I cover a few updates and then cover some updates that all have to do with Recording. I hope you can learn something from them.

I've signed up to Storyblocks to access sound effects.

I've also added 21st Century Work Life and Management Café to the Virtual not Distant Facebook page. At the moment, only US-based listeners can listen through the mobile app.

The 21st CWL podcast episodes now involve FOUR people in their creation .

And final update: the Adventures in Podcasting website is coming along nicely. Take a look:

06.20 minutes
In this episode we'll cover the next stage of the episode creation process: recording.

The most important thing is to find a room with good acoustics - and if you're recording with someone else, use headphones.

Soft furnishings are great too, as well as carpeted floors.

Make sure you're comfortable. I stand and face the microphone, but keep the camera off. Many guests prefer the camera on, even if we're not looking at each other.
With some co-hosts I record with the camera off, but some prefer to have it on, even if it's just for presence, or to gesture to each other if we're going on for too long, or speaking too fast.

For a list of tech to record with, check out the Resources page:

15.25 minutes
Recording with a guest

Pick your guests carefully. As your show grows, you'll get lots of requests to be on your show - pick guests carefully, have fun with them.

Recently I recorded with someone who had a relatively high profile, even though she wasn't 100% sure he was suitable. Turns out he wasn't...

And then there was the time when myself and Lisette recorded with someone who would not share anything on the show... plus didn't know who he was recording with (as his follow up email of "when are we recording" showed...)

In this episode of the Self Publishing Show, there's an example of when a guest almost takes over the show:

Recording with a co-host

I recently recorded episode 100 of My Pocket Psych, with co-host Richard!!!!
Our roles are defined, and he lays down a really good plan of each episode, with just a few bullet points to guide us through.

With other co-hosts, I prefer a more spontaneous approach, but then it's easy for us to take the episode in different directions.

If you have any questions, let me know and feel free to get in touch!

If you're thinking of starting your own podcasting adventure, I recommend Buzzsprout as host - click here for my affiliate link, which also gets you a little discount, and Riverside FM for recording, which you can access through this other affiliate link.