Robert Eggers first two films have been stunning works - depending on who you ask. The Northman is easily his most accessible film to date, so why did people walk out of the showing Blake attended?  Thematically, there is a direct line to The Witch and The Lighthouse. Both of those were polarizing films among audiences. Did Eggers not do enough to cater to mainstream audiences?

This also  leads to a question about his future. Whether a person likes his movie or not is subjective, but there is not doubting he is a talented director. Will he be doing larger pictures that are more in line with the general public's taste or will he continue developing his nihilistic view on storytelling? 

The Northman lives up to the promise of its trailer and delivers big action pieces. We talk about how well Eggers was able to move from slower more contemplative films to action adventure. Did the movie keep us engaged or was the pacing too slow for the story it was trying to tell? And it sure was nice of Bjork to use her own wardrobe for the movie.

We also take a brief detour to talk about Alex Garland's new movie. Men looks to be employing  deep fake technology in an unsettling trailer. As creepy as the trailer is, the red band version seems to give away too much of the plot. We also question why A24 only uses their cool logo designs for trailers.

Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel Muir, Blake, and Danny. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Danny can be found on Twitter @default_player and on Instagram at default_player. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

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Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

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