Sequels are an important part of horror. While that do not always work out (and eventually end up diluting the source material), they are one of the determining factors of success in the genre. In recent years, legacy sequels have become increasingly popular. One of the big marketing themes around Texas Chainsaw Massacre was how it was a direct sequel to the 1974 original. We discuss reboot versus sequel and try to figure out what the latest installment in the franchise was going for.

We also talk about popular ideas in horror. Reality versus the supernatural and white science versus Black magic are often seen, but the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies have always been about the city versus the country. This was a big part of the latest installment, but did it amount to anything more than jabs at Austin and modern society? Was the movie genuinely trying to make a statement or was it all a joke?

Unlike the original, Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a gory movie. We talk about the kills in the movie and whether it was too much. We also talk about what the film means for Fede Alavarez and how the film is indebted to horror movies of the past. Plus, talks about homages, sequels, and final girls.

Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel Muir, Blake, and Danny. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Danny can be found on Twitter @default_player and on Instagram at default_player. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com