March in Women's History Month so Blake and Nathaniel decide to talk about the women of a typically male dominated genre. There have been some great female action heroes over the decades and the two talk about some of their favorites. Plus, they review an anime for the first time ever and an interview with the team behind A Black Rift Begins to Yawn.

The pair open the show with a talk about the most recent box office performance and what it means. They also talk about the possibility of California reopening and what will get them back in theaters.

On-Gaku: Our Sound is an anime set in a Japanese high school. The initial image it will cause in many people's minds is the exact opposite of what this film really is. Blake and Nathaniel talk about the style of animation, the soundtrack, and whether high school kids today are able to relate to anything.

A Black Rift Begins to Yawn is a gorgeous sci fi horror movie that is hard to describe. Nathaniel spoke with director Matthew Wade and stars Sara Lynch and Saratops McDonald about their film.

This week's main segment is about female action heroes. The two talk about the high barrier of entry for female action stars, some overlooked heroes, and discuss Gina Carano.

Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel Muir, Blake, and Danny. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Danny can be found on Twitter @default_player and on Instagram at default_player. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AiPTMovies.

Intro by Julio Mena Instagram

Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

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