Imagine this…you have a doctor’s appointment, you know the first thing you do is get your vitals taken -blood pressure, heart rate, and you get weighed by the staff in the doctor’s office.

This one act can generate so many emotions for many of us

For some of us the thought of a scale and being weighed is very triggering

It can be associated with disappointment

Lack of validation, we associate a perfect number with been good or bad or good enough or not good enough

Feelings of shame-why can’t I get that number to decrease

Feeling not good enough-Why didn’t the number decrease, why is the number creeping up

To be honest, I don’t think we have the skills to have a scale at home

Most of us don’t have the ability to use a scale in a productive way

And yes, there is a productive way to use a scale

This will probably make many of you listeners question what I mean

IF you can use a scale, and simply look at the weight as an objective piece of data,

More as a tool to assess and understand your body

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