Many of my clients say they want to feel more in control of their food choices.

But I think understanding emotional eating patters, triggers, and habits gives you something bigger than control.


And that freedom is incredible, for example one client described a lifting of a weight that she’d carried around with her since she was in middle school.  This has opened up space for her to return to the workforce and she says she doesn’t remember ever feeling this happy.

In this week's episode I provide some strategies on how to really dig a little further and get to the root understanding of your emotional eating.

👉Sign up for a FREE Discovery Call HERE and let me help you get out of the diet cycle and meet your health & weight loss goals. Imagine what it would be like to eat in a liberating way!

👉It's here!  Empower U! is the updated course that gives you all the tools to kick emotional eating to the ground for good.

👉Get the FREE guide: Five Tips to a Weight Loss Mindset HERE

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