We’ve been talking about the important tools and concepts of play and “what if?” in our creativity, let’s wrap up this series with a look at a terrific example of this in action from one of my all time favorite story tellers, Mr. Kevin Smith.


Episode Resources

In episode 411 of Smodcast, Kevin and Scott take a divergence to play in the realm of imagination and creativity while reading “scary” camping stories. The idea stems from a story he shared from Reddit, but it quickly turns into a playful imagination session of “What If?” as they explore the idea of a time travel story they create on the fly. The conversation begins at about the 1hr 26m mark.
Smodcast Episode 411

In perhaps his most famous example of play leading to creative breakthroughs however, we have to go back a few years to Episode 259. This is the episode in which you hear a playful game of “What If?” turn from fun idea to solid creation. That’s right, it’s the episode of Smodcast which became the origin of the movie he would eventually make known as Tusk. Yes, the walrus movie.
Smodcast Episode 259

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Have a follow up thought on anything I discussed or have a recommendation of a creative you’d love me to chat with? Shoot me an email and I’ll read it on the show! You can also find me on social media everywhere @davidszweduik, but I’m most active on Twitter so feel free to reach out and chat!

Thanks for listening, see you on our next adventure!

Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com



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