Last week we talked about how finding time is a huge struggle creatives face. This week let’s tackle the next common struggle, Indecision over which project to tackle next.

While it may seem like a great problem to have, so many ideas that you don’t know which one you should do next, it can actually be incredibly paralyzing for a creative. I want to share with you the simple approach I took when faced with this dilemma a while back that I believe will help you clear that creative log jam as well!

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Have a follow up thought on anything I discussed or have a recommendation of a creative you’d love me to chat with? Shoot me an email and I’ll read it on the show! You can also find me on social media everywhere @davidszweduik, but I’m most active on Twitter so feel free to reach out and chat!


Thanks for listening, see you on our next adventure!


Theme Music:
Music: Funk In The Trunk by Shane Ivers -



Additional sound effects from

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