Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's fellow adventurer's! I wanted to share a gift with you this holiday season and it's the gift of a SECOND conversation this month! Give a listen to a conversation I had with my good friend and fantastic photographer, Bryan Minear, about his creative process, inspirations, and even how his geeky side actually helps fuel his creative vision!----more----

Who doesn’t love a good old fashion geek out? Especially when it’s a conversation about photography, the creative process, Star Wars, and Middle Earth?! That’s exactly what I had the chance to do in a brand new feature on our podcast in which I had a chance to sit down with fellow photographer and geek, Bryan Minear!

Image Courtesy of Bryan Minear

Join them as they talk about everything from Bryan’s design and photo work, some of the biggest creative and geeky influences including J.R.R. Tolkien and Christopher Nolan, Bryan gives us his controversial pick for the best Star Wars film not counting any of the original trilogy and so much more! It’s a fantastically geeky conversation you won’t want to miss!

As you can see, Bryan is a hell of a good photographer and I am totally honored to get this chance to not only sit down and have a fun, geeky chat with him but also to call him a friend. If you aren’t already familiar with his photography work, please do yourself a favor and go check it out, some VERY awesome stuff indeed.

Check out Bryan’s work at:– Instagram– Twitter– Facebook– Website

Image Courtesy of Bryan Minear Image Courtesy of Bryan Minear Image Courtesy of Bryan Minear Image Courtesy of Bryan Minear

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Listen anytime on the Official Website of Adventures in Creativity, or in the podcast player of your choice by searching for “Adventures in Creativity”!


Have a follow up thought on anything I discussed or have a recommendation of a creative you’d love me to chat with? Shoot me an email and I’ll read it on the show! You can also find me on social media everywhere @davidszweduik, but I’m most active on Twitter so feel free to reach out and chat!


Thanks for listening, see you on our next adventure!


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