Last week we talked about the concept of Original Ideas. Do they still exist? Does it matter? This week on Adventures in Creativity it’s all about some tactics, some questions you can ask yourself when you’re creating to help you find YOUR original ideas!


LINKS:Yesterday’s Sci-Fi

Amazing new podcast sharing yesterday’s sci-fi stories in audiobook format. Brand new sci-fi stories for you each and every week!

ORIGINAL IDEAS – ARE THEY STILL POSSIBLE AND DO THEY MATTER?Article that inspired this website about a year ago. 


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Listen anytime on the Official Website of Adventures in Creativity, or in the podcast player of your choice by searching for “Adventures in Creativity”!


Have a follow up thought on anything I discussed or have a recommendation of a creative you’d love me to chat with? Shoot me an email and I’ll read it on the show! You can also find me on social media everywhere @davidszweduik, but I’m most active on Twitter so feel free to reach out and chat!


Thanks for listening, see you on our next adventure!


Theme Music:Music: Funk In The Trunk by Shane Ivers -



Additional sound effects from

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