Previous Episode: Making Courage Out Of Fear
Next Episode: Brainstorm Like A Boss

If you already read my blog post The Value of Your Proposition - then the fact that you need a value proposition is not new news to you. But don’t skip this week’s episode just yet. I have more nuggets of information hidden inside. And if I just lost you by using the words value proposition - then you DEFINITELY won’t want to skip this week’s podcast episode. Your value proposition is how you show your customers and clients why you’re special. And yes, I hate buzzword and overused business jargon. But I make it easy to use these ridiculous terms AND still be human. See? Totally not scary.

Listen to this week’s podcast to learn why I think fairies die every time someone uses the word ‘synergy,’ why shwords matter, and how I’ve come up with MY value proposition for October’s SPEAK With Confidence Accelerator. (you'll wanna sign up - promise.)

Read The Value of Your Proposition to get examples and an in-depth breakdown of value props and other industry jargon. I’ve even added a step-by-step breakdown on how to not suck at sharing your unique value proposition.

After you find your unique value proposition, let us know what makes you stand out in your industry in the Kickass Humans Club.