Strother Gaines is full of glitter and wisdom.

He’s the head unicorn of But I’m a Unicorn, Dammit, LLC, an entrepreneurial coaching company helping humans who want to build their next step. When I asked the Kickass Humans Club who should be on the podcast, Sarai Johnson, one of our recent Rock Your Talk-ers put her hand way up and suggested Strother saying “He’s AMAZING!” spoiler: she was right.

Strother is a Kentucky-born triple threat who is keeping busy as an entrepreneur, the artistic director for TBC immersive - a new theater company in DC, and the event director for “Network Under Forty”.

Oh - and one of his drag queen names is Joann Fabrics. (Like, the fabric store… Yeah, I love him.)

In this week’s podcast episode, Strother Gaines lets us in on the phone call from the IRS about his LLC’s name, “But I’m a Unicorn, Dammit, LLC” and how to network without being an asshole (this was fun). His bits about growing up in the rural south, coming into his own, and the glory of Southern Queens are what make Strother such a fabulous human being. He shares HIS story, which helps others share theirs. BRILLIANT!

Ever wonder what the difference is between  jackhammer careers and hummingbird careers? Maybe you’ve wondered how a career trajectory of cross pollination led him from being segway tour guide to entrepreneurial coach? Well, you get all of that and more - right here on the podcast.

My favorite part? Strother brings Joann Fabrics to the podcast - including the family inspiration for her and how he gets himself into character. (HINT: It’s a very specific swear word with southern flair.)