Over the last 9 years, I've been asked "Can I buy you a cup of coffee & pick your brain?" at least once a week. To celebrate my 9 year anniversary, I've dumped 9 years worth of entrepreneurial experience into a 1-hour podcast episode. (It was NOT easy and I talk really fast - so beware.)

Grab a notebook and your favorite pen - and feel free to pause as often as you need. I didn't structure it like a talk, so it's not a pretty account - it's my raw, real memory of everything I remember learning since becoming an entrepreneur. The good, the bad, the ugly, and why vacations are so dang important.

In this episode, you'll hear about: (in no particular order)

why I started my business when I hired my first employee how many times I've pivoted why I dumped Sisarina after 8 years why I started Branded Confidence why you have to have thick skin to be a boss why profitability matters how to dump the scarcity mindset why your strengths matter most how branding has to take center stage understanding your core values hiring for growth and why growth doesn't matter

I am ONLY telling you this so you can take what you want and throw away the rest. Because, as you'll hear in this episode, YOU have to learn how to run YOUR own business for yourself. No book will teach you what you'll need to learn from experience. But I DO give book recommendations and resources to help you out.

Dive in - but beware. It's real, raw, and as usual, me. ENJOY!



Rework by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson https://basecamp.com/books/rework Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey https://www.entreleadership.com/ Profit First by Mike Michalowicz http://profitfirstbook.com/


Bite-Sized Branding: Get them talking about you the way you want. http://bitesizedbranding.com/ Kickass Humans Club: Your tribe is waiting. http://kickasshumansclub.com/ SPEAK With Confidence: It's time to let your story out.  http://brandedconfidence.com/speak

Production by Javy Espejo.