Welcome to HERadventures: the women-focused side of Adventures in Branding!

Earlier this year, I jumped in Roxie Jean, the Hotrod Machine with my good friend & photographer extraordinaire, Mary Gardella, and embarked on a weeklong adventure to Virginia and the Carolinas. Logging hundreds of miles, we interviewed 15 rockstar women about their own personal brands and professional journeys, examining just what it means to be a woman today, in life AND in the workplace. We even went ziplining!

“Fear is invited to come along but Fear is not allowed to drive, choose the songs on the radio, select the snacks, or suggest detours.” - Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic

In this inaugural episode of HERadventures, Mary and I got together to reminisce and rehash our epic road trip. We get to share our perspective and what we learned as a result of our crazy adventure, touching on everything from Jennifer Aniston’s recent Huffington Post article to the role fear plays in our lives.


Who was the most influential woman in Mary’s life? What do I do to de-stress? Learn the answers to these questions – and more – and jump into our private HERadventures Facebook group or subscribe to subscribe to Adventures in Branding. We’ve got 6 weeks of kickass women. Stick around to see what happens next!


Rob Bell's podcast Sophia Amoruso's Girlboss podcast Jennifer Aniston's For the Record HERadventures Private Facebook Group Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic