This week's episode is something a little bit special. We decided to take a week off from the campaign, make some fine arse cocktails and have a good old chat. The topics we covered range from light hearted stories and anecdotes through to a few serious topics that some of us wanted to express our feelings about.

Questions included...

How easy do you find it to roleplay?

Are there boundaries you won't cross in D&D?

What happens when a Dragonborn ejaculates?

So come join us, pull up a chair and enjoy! 

Tatty Bojangles - Gnome Ranger/Rogue (Chris Neal)

Belciar Myialtheshtealliac - Dragonborn Sorcerer (Matt Durrant)

Maud of Nightmares - Tiefling Druid (Chanelle Williams)

Dungeon Master & Host (AJ Jackson)