In this episode Seoirse is joined by Kieran and Laura in another bumper episode! Laura, making her glorious return to the podcast, reviews the latest game in the popular puzzle focused Rusty Lake series Underground Blossom. She then discusses some weird goings on in the Isle Tides Hotel and tells us whether it’s worth checking into this hotel in the latest Wales Interactive FMV. Seoirse then reviews climate change visual interactive graphic novel thriller End of Lines before then going to Mars as he reviews Fort Solis which features the voices of Roger Clarke and Troy Baker. Finally Kieran reviews old-school point and click adventure game Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard which was released late last year and he and Seoirse then head to the wild west as they discuss their thoughts on online multiplayer narrative driven murder mystery Whispers in the West! Will they survive long enough to solve the crime? Guess we’ll have to find out!

Elsewhere they discuss the latest news including some unfortunate layoffs at Tellatle and what this possibly means for the future of the company. Plus they try and make sense of what is going on at Unity as they ironically united game developers worldwide against them and finally they discuss a new movie based on the hit game Stray. All that and much more!


News (00.02.35)

Beyond the Edge of Owslgard Review (00.21.22)

Underground Blossom Review (00.29.21)

End of Lines (00.39.54)

Whispers in the West (00.47.01)

The Isle Tides Hotel (00.59.03)

Fort Solis (01;13.07)


Podcast Awards Offical Site

Telltale Layoffs

Bill Willingham puts Fables on Public Domain

Unity CEO Leaves company

Stray Movie adaptation announced

Games Reviewed

Beyond the Edge of Owlsgard Official Site

Underground Blossom Official Site

End of Lines Official Site

Whispers in the West Official Site

The Isle Tides Hotel Official Site

Fort Solis Official Site

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