In this episode I talk about Antifragility, a powerful concept introduced by Nassim, Nicholas Taleb in his bestselling book, Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder. Think the oppositive of fragile is resilient? Nope! Fragile is negative and resilient is neutral. The oppositive of a negative is a positive, so the opposite of fragile is antifragile. Antifragility is increasing in capability and thriving because of stressors, shock, and volatility. As Nietzsche (and Kanye) have said…that that don’t kill me…can only make me stronger…”

Antifragility is more than resiliency or robustness. The resilient maintains under stress or pressure…the antifragile gets better.

Antifragility, resilience, and grit are pragmatic as they relate to combating gender inequity so we can transcend and thrive. Despite the host of inequities, biases and barriers that create an unlevel playing field for talented, highly qualified women, it is possible that WE can have the last word in the end if we adopt an antifragility mindset. We can become stronger, better, more proficient, not despite, but  because of these inequities. And that is a mindset shift that can serve us.

Do not miss this episode to hear more about how to harness your emotional intelligence superpowers from adaptability, to empathy, to excellent communication. We know that women must consistently be mindful of monitoring and adapting in response to biases. Although this is unfair and inequitable, there can be tremendous growth to our skillset if we have the right mindset.

As Taleb states “the wind extinguishes a candle and energizes fire.” This episode is about harnessing the wind and being the fire that is energized. #antifragility #grit #resilience #robus #transcend #thrive


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Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2014) Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder. Random House Publishing