Rima Nashashibi is the Founder and President of Global Hope 365. As a strong advocate for children who are trafficked and married off as child brides, she is a passionate international speaker and voice for victims of this silent crime, yet preventable crime.

Global Hope 365 website https://www.globalhope365.org/
CA Coalition to End Child Marriage https://cacoalitiontoendchildmarriage.org/
The Digital Advocacy Campaign for them to participate in and send it to all their friends and family: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/end-child-marriage-in-the-state-of-california/
Help us add Partners to the CA Coalition to end Child Marriage: Organizations, Elected officials, community leaders, and adding youth Ambassadors: https://cacoalitiontoendchildmarriage.org/join-us/
To invite Rima Nashashibi to speak: contact [email protected]
Help us get funding: https://www.globalhope365.org/donate
To volunteer: [email protected]
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn @globalhope365
For parents to protect their kids up to 18 on the internet: https://endsexualexploitation.org/articles/5-things-you-can-do-to-ensure-your-children-are-safe-online
