When she starred in All-American Girl in 1994-5, Margaret Cho became a TV Herstory groundbreaker. All-American Girl was the first network sitcom to feature an all Asian-American cast. Cho discusses lessons from the series in depth with Ashley Pacini of The Reel Women and Cynthia.

This interview caps a summer series collaboration of Advanced TV Herstory and The Reel Women, a community that celebrates the successes of women in filmed entertainment.

Other topics:

How a white person can become better ally.

The PoC talent pipeline.

A stand-up comedian's schedule in lockdown.

The Margaret Cho (her podcast on Earios & a few of her guests).

Her 2002 book I'm the One I Want


Margaret's website

The Reel Women

Jahzzar's Take Me Higher at Free Music Archive

Introductory shout out to Chicago's Arcus Behavioral Health & Wellness