This week we interview Tone Vays. Tone is a Blockchain and Bitcoin Researcher and Consultant and a very experienced Traditional Derivatives Trader. We dive into his background in the traditional finance world and ask Tone about how he got into Bitcoin. We ask Tone a number of questions about the properties of Bitcoin, what makes sound money and what determines value. For comprehensive shownotes, complete bios of our guests and links mentioned in the episode take a look below or click the episode title.

Written by Alexandra Moxin

This week we interview Tone Vays. Tone is a Blockchain and Bitcoin Researcher and Consultant and a very experienced Traditional Derivatives Trader. We dive into his background in the traditional finance world and ask Tone about how he got into Bitcoin. We ask Tone a number of questions about the properties of Bitcoin, what makes sound money and what determines value. We also ask Tone his thoughts about the price of Bitcoin, trading, technical analysis and indicators and how these apply to Bitcoin, along with market makers and arbitrage.

We ask Tone about his Youtube channel and podcasts including some returning shows subscribers can look forward to watching. We talk about companies in the space who are getting it right and our mutual affinity for Blockstream. We discuss Baltic Honeybadger and Tone’s upcoming Bitcoin conference Unconfiscatable which will be held January 23 - 26, 2019 in Las Vegas and include a celebrity Bitcoin poker tournament.

Listen to the latest episode of Advance Tech Podcast to find out why Tone believes Bitcoin is the only investment grade asset in the entire crypto space.

Hope you enjoy our latest show!

Show Links

Tone Vays - Website
Tone Vays - YouTube Channel
Tone Vays - Trading Workshops
Unconfiscatable Conference and Celebrity Poker Tournament
The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous
A primer on Austrian Economics
Segregated Witness (SegWit)
Lightning Network
Tom DeMark TD Sequential Indicator - Bloomberg Terminal
Cryptoscam Podcast
Baltic Honeybadger