This episode features Sodomák, Co Founder of Paralelni Polis and Josef, Manager of Bordel Hackerspace. To view the show transcript, complete guest bios and links mentioned in the episode take a look below or go to and click the episode title.

Written by Alexandra Moxin

This episode features Sodomák, Co Founder of Paralelni Polis, a nonprofit organization providing education in the area of digital freedom, and Josef, Manager of Bordel, a small community hackerspace located in the basement of Paralelní Polis. This episode was recorded live, so the audio isn’t perfect, but the episode was too good not to share.

We discuss the founding of Paralelni Polis and Bordel Hackerspace, the Annual Hackers Congress #HCPP, and current projects. Find out how you can support and get involved with Paralelni Polis and Bordel Hackerspace, the upcoming Hackers Congress @ Paralelni Polis #HCPP21 - Chaos and Hackatoshi’s Flying Circuit. Come join the cypherpunk revolution!

Show Links

Paralelni Polis
Hackers Congress Parallel Polis #HCPP
Studio Parallel Polis
Coin: Silver commemorative coins @ Parallel Polis
Institute of Cryptoanarchy
Paralelni Polis on Twitter
Bordel Hackerspace
Hackatoshi’s Flying Circuit
Bleskomat - The world’s Simplest Lightning Network ATM
Introducting Bleskomat: the World’s Simplest Lightning Network ATM (live demo @ Bordel Hackerspace, Paralelni Polis)
Cypherpunk content from TAZ 0 in Berlin


(coming soon)

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