In this episode we spend some time with Giacomo Zucco, Director at BHB Network and CoFounder of TheB. To access comprehensive show notes, a complete guest bio and links mentioned in the episode take a look below or go to and click the episode title.

Written by Alexandra Moxin

In this episode we interview Giacomo, Zucco, Director at BHB Network, CoFounder of TheB and accomplished Bitcoin entrepreneur since 2013. Join us as we ask Giacomo about his background and how he got into Bitcoin. We talk about the differences between Bitcoin and Blockchain and some of the parallels to the early internet.

We dig into some of Giacomo’s writing and his presentation at Baltic Honeybadger along with some of the misconceptions about the term Bitcoin Maximalism. I ask Giacomo about his thoughts on Bitcoin and the principles sound money and we talk about the Proof of Keys day held on Jan 3, 2019 and the principles behind it. Further along we talk about the B Foundation and Giacomo shares what Bitcoiners, developers and donating parties can expect.

I ask Giacomo about what he thinks will drive Bitcoin adoption and we close with upcoming conference appearances and his questions to our audience which include whether you participated in Proof of Keys day and why, and if you are running a full node (and if not, why not). You can find and follow Giacomo on twitter or telegram.

Hope you enjoy this episode!

Show Links

Giacomo Zucco on twitter
BlockchainLab IT
BHB Network on twitter
Giacomo Zucco on Medium
Giacomo Zucco, Medium: A Little Fairy Tale
Giacomo Zucco’s presentation at Baltic Honeybadger 2018 (skip to 0:11:28)
Baltic Honeybadger 2018
Green Address Wallet
The Road Ahead, by Bill Gates
Annual January 3rd Proof of Keys Celebration of the Genesis Block!
TheB Foundation
Tough Questions: The B.Foundation, interview with Giacomo Zucco by Juan S. Galt
BHB Network / Blockchain Lab
Unconfiscatable, January 26 - 28, Las Vegas, NV
Breaking Bitcoin, June 8 and 9 in Amsterdam twitter account (find latest updates here, conference site will be available soon)

Twitter Mentions