Meet Sarah Akwisombe
Sarah is a design influencer and creative entrepreneur. After getting fired from her office job she started her interiors blog which soon turned into her full time career. When she realised a lot of her audience were asking her how to start a creative business, she saw a chance to found the No Bull Business School, an online education business helping women turn their passion into a business. 
You can find out more about her over on Instagram (@sarahakwisombe), or on her website (
Fav quotes from this episode:
“Adulting is having your shit together so that you can have fun.”
“Lead by example.”
“The whole entrepreneurial scene is dominated by the masculine.”
“Having your own business is one of the only things that will really make you examine every aspect of who you are.”
“What we give our intention and attention to is what we get more of.”
In this episode we talk about:
Self awareness as the key to continued growth and success
Different leadership styles and learning to balance them in relationships and business
Women in entrepreneurship and the future of the working landscape
Self care vs Self Indulgence
Plus, we talk about the difference between enquiring minds and minds that feel like there is a “finish” point
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Meet Sarah Akwisombe

Sarah is a design influencer and creative entrepreneur. After getting fired from her office job she started her interiors blog which soon turned into her full time career. When she realised a lot of her audience were asking her how to start a creative business, she saw a chance to found the No Bull Business School, an online education business helping women turn their passion into a business. 

You can find out more about her over on Instagram @sarahakwisombe, or on her website

Fav quotes from this episode:

“Adulting is having your shit together so that you can have fun.”

“Lead by example.”

“The whole entrepreneurial scene is dominated by the masculine.”

“Having your own business is one of the only things that will really make you examine every aspect of who you are.”

“What we give our intention and attention to is what we get more of.”

In this episode we talk about:

Self awareness as the key to continued growth and successDifferent leadership styles and learning to balance them in relationships and businessWomen in entrepreneurship and the future of the working landscapeSelf care vs Self Indulgence

Plus, we talk about the difference between enquiring minds and minds that feel like there is a “finish” point


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