Meet Amy E. Smith...Amy E. Smith is a certified confidence coach, masterful speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Founder of, Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-love.
With an acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humour and has been a featured expert on Fox 5 San Diego and
You can find out more about her over on her website (, her (free facebook community), or on Instagram (@thejoyjunkie).
Fav quotes from this episode:“The more we stand in blame and judgement of others, the less empowered we are.”
“It’s not that you’re not justified in feeling the anger, it’s just that if you hold onto the anger, you’re the one suffering.”
“What if I took the amount of energy that I put into anger and blame and put it into forgiveness or self-love or proactive creation?” 
“I am not willing to chronically complain about anything that I’m not taking some assertive action on.”
“Unless you’re with a psychic or a mindreader, you need to use your words, because that’s #adutling”
In this episode we talk about:How we need to move away from blaming others and start taking radical responsibility for ourselves
How blaming others and constantly complaining disempowers us
How to handle difficult/uncomfortable conversations with our friends/partners/colleagues (and why they are so important)
Finding the middle path between avoidance and attack when dealing with difficult situations
How good communication is the key to having your needs met and meeting the needs of your loved ones. Don’t assume you know what each other are thinking!
Plus, we talk about how we wish we’d learnt this stuff in school!
Resources:Grab Amy's FREE eWorkbook, Stand up for Yourself without Being a Dick - (HERE)
Join Amy's FREE Facebook Community with Bonus Trainings, Camaraderie, and Freebies - (HERE)

Meet Amy E. Smith...

Amy E. Smith is a certified confidence coach, masterful speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Founder of, Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-love.

With an acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humour and has been a featured expert on Fox 5 San Diego and

You can find out more about her over on her website, her free facebook community, or on Instagram @thejoyjunkie.

Fav quotes from this episode:

“The more we stand in blame and judgement of others, the less empowered we are.”

“It’s not that you’re not justified in feeling the anger, it’s just that if you hold onto the anger, you’re the one suffering.”

“What if I took the amount of energy that I put into anger and blame and put it into forgiveness or self-love or proactive creation?” 

“I am not willing to chronically complain about anything that I’m not taking some assertive action on.”

“Unless you’re with a psychic or a mindreader, you need to use your words, because that’s #adutling”

In this episode we talk about:How we need to move away from blaming others and start taking radical responsibility for ourselvesHow blaming others and constantly complaining disempowers usHow to handle difficult/uncomfortable conversations with our friends/partners/colleagues (and why they are so important)Finding the middle path between avoidance and attack when dealing with difficult situationsHow good communication is the key to having your needs met and meeting the needs of your loved ones. Don’t assume you know what each other are thinking!

Plus, we talk about how we wish we’d learnt this stuff in school!

Resources:Grab Amy's FREE eWorkbook, Stand up for Yourself without Being a Dick - HERE

Join Amy's FREE Facebook Community with Bonus Trainings, Camaraderie, and Freebies - HERE