Meet James Lavers
Since 2005 James Lavers, founder of online training company Lazy Coach has coached and instructed thousands of Coaches, Authors, Speakers and topic-Experts In 143 countries to develop and productise their ideas and express them powerfully in an increasingly digital world. - from those just starting out to globally recognised names such as Anthony Robbins and the late Wayne Dyer.
Something of an insider, Lavers has authored 18 industry reports and his videos featuring his unique and often provocative take on digital entrepreneurship and the “people helping” industry...not to mention his ideas on being “Lazy” and loading off more, have attracted millions of views and a loyal tribe.
He’s been a featured expert on The Apprentice and lead workshops at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School.
James loafs around in Frome Somerset with his partner Kat and their 5 kids...and Rocket, the cat.
You can find out more about him over on his website: (
Fav quotes from this episode:
“What I’m really helping people to do is engineer their own freedom.”
 “Lazy really just means efficient.”
“I work two days a week and run a pretty successful company.”
“Freedom isn’t a thing that you can put in a wheelbarrow and have, but it is something you can do. It’s a consistent process of letting go and of ownership.”
“If we can just snip some of those restraints, you’ll rise.”
“There’s behaviour I won’t tolerate”
In this episode we talk about:
How there are always consequences to our actions, and learning to ask yourself “what cost do my decisions have?”
 Why we don’t need to try so hard: Unravelling the perceived mystery of the two day work week it’s really as simple as being more efficient and removing constraints.
 Why a coach that gets you the results you want won’t try to be your friend.
The one tough question that James asks all his private clients that often leads to breakthroughs.
Plus, we talk about egos and how to dance with them.
Lazy Coach Free App: Get it (HERE)
More info on Frank Farelly’s “Provocative Therapy” that James mentions: (HERE)

Meet James Lavers

Since 2005 James Lavers, founder of online training company Lazy Coach has coached and instructed thousands of Coaches, Authors, Speakers and topic-Experts In 143 countries to develop and productise their ideas and express them powerfully in an increasingly digital world. - from those just starting out to globally recognised names such as Anthony Robbins and the late Wayne Dyer.

Something of an insider, Lavers has authored 18 industry reports and his videos featuring his unique and often provocative take on digital entrepreneurship and the “people helping” industry...not to mention his ideas on being “Lazy” and loading off more, have attracted millions of views and a loyal tribe.

He’s been a featured expert on The Apprentice and lead workshops at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School.

James loafs around in Frome Somerset with his partner Kat and their 5 kids...and Rocket, the cat.

You can find out more about him over on his website:

Fav quotes from this episode:

“What I’m really helping people to do is engineer their own freedom.”

 “Lazy really just means efficient.”

“I work two days a week and run a pretty successful company.”

“Freedom isn’t a thing that you can put in a wheelbarrow and have, but it is something you can do. It’s a consistent process of letting go and of ownership.”

“If we can just snip some of those restraints, you’ll rise.”

“There’s behaviour I won’t tolerate”

In this episode we talk about:

How there are always consequences to our actions, and learning to ask yourself “what cost do my decisions have?” Why we don’t need to try so hard: Unravelling the perceived mystery of the two day work week it’s really as simple as being more efficient and removing constraints. Why a coach that gets you the results you want won’t try to be your friend.The one tough question that James asks all his private clients that often leads to breakthroughs.

Plus, we talk about egos and how to dance with them.


Lazy Coach Free App: Get it HEREMore info on Frank Farelly’s “Provocative Therapy” that James mentions: HERE