Meet our Resident Organisations: CASA House

Tell us about what your organisation does?

CASA House is a department of the Royal Women’s Hospital. It is one of 15 centres throughout Victoria, funded by the state government to provide services to adult victim/ survivors of all genders. This includes crisis care after recent sexual assault, as well as ongoing counselling and advocacy. CASA House furthermore provides training in responding to disclosures of sexual assault, community education and secondary consultation.


How do your organisation’s values align with a Women’s Centre & what do you enjoy about working within QVWC?                                                                                           

The QVWC and the Royal Women’s Hospital share the values ‘courage’ and ‘respect’. These values are deeply imbedded in both our daily practice and the rich history of CASA House which has been in existence since 1987.

For CASA House staff, being part of the vibrant and busy QVWC community helps sustain us in our daily work alongside victim/ survivors of sexual assault. Seeing the creativity, celebrations, community and talent is absolutely nourishing.

What are your priorities over the next 12months?

To continue to provide high quality services to victim/survivors of sexual assault and to improve responses through ongoing advocacy and training delivery.

 What do you see as the biggest issue facing women, non-binary & gender diverse people right now?

Sexual assault is a gendered issue, of which inequity is both a cause and a consequence. Inequity lies at the foundation of the systemic issue of sexual violence. It is perpetuated by gender discrimination, as well as by other intersecting forces including racism, ableism, classism and colonialism.  

Interview: Natalie Forde, Photo: Jane Poynter