episode 24 audio.mp4

Hi there, I'm Luke Kostka, Adleaks director of visual marketing and welcome to at least TV episode 24. We're coming to you with some of the best and most beneficial posts from the obliques message boards. This week, everything you'll see here comes from our feature contributors who learn the lessons from millions and millions of dollars of ad spend. You can take their tips and just shove them right in your own campaigns just to shove them running anyway. If you're not part of Alex, it's time to go to join Alex dot com and get yourself signed up. You'll get Insider Know-How on building your brand, running better ads, growing your eCom business, advance optimization techniques and a whole lot more if you're an addict member. Thanks. That's it. That's just. It just thinks. You can also follow ad links on Instagram, tech talk and YouTube for more content. Our YouTube channel also has more Adleaks TV. So take a look. Finally, one more shout out to all of our Adleaks partners, especially you.