There are lots of different cool things that our ADHD brains can do that actually help us run a purposeful and profitable business. In this episode, I shared some of the things that we can attribute to our ADHD brains and why it can make us really great at entrepreneurship. ADHD Entrepreneurs have very unique struggles but they also have very unique skills. Here's what was covered:

(02:34) Is it a "superpower"?!

(04:36) A creative mind

(05:58) Thinking out of the box

(06:49) Idea machine—coming up with spontaneous, on the spur ideas

(08:30) Solution driven

(09:32) Innovative—the challenge of coming up with a way to do something new

(10:01) Taking calculated risks

(12:15) Empathetic—wearing our hearts on our sleeves

(14:16) Intuition—our 6th sense

(15:52) Hyperfocus

(17:02) Fast learner

(17:57) Sponge for interesting information

(19:15) Detail-oriented/Perfectionist

(20:33) Ball of energy

(21:11) Multitasking

(22:02) Appreciating the small details

(23:10) Curious beings

(23:41) Charismatic and a sense of humor

(24:33) Passionate


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