Taking pride in something we're good at and something we're really interested in makes us want it to look the best. We may even have an image in our brain of what the best looks like. But sometimes, it's hard to live up to that image and we end up being a perfectionist. But perfectionism can really hold us back in our business and halt our progress and ability to put out awesome things into the world that can help people. For many years, I used to say that my “perfectionism was the death of me”, and without realizing it started killing my entrepreneurial spirit and almost even my business. In this episode, I share how perfectionism is something that ADHDers struggle with a lot, where it stems from, and 3 simple tips I discovered on how we can manage it.

Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional. I am not licensed or certified, but I'm just sharing my personal experience as someone diagnosed with ADHD. 

(02:06) What is perfectionism and how it looks like for people with ADHD

(04:57) Living up to our high and unrealistic standards

(08:30) The first step in managing perfectionism—set a standard that is doable and realistic

(09:12) Getting things done right the first time

(11:12) There is no right or wrong, just decision and indecision

(12:55) How perfectionism can turn into procrastination

(15:26) Fear of rejection

(16:31) Perfectionism will stop you from taking actions

(18:07) The impact of perfectionism on your business and the people you serve

(21:46) Tips to help you move past perfectionism

(27:34) How perfectionism affected me personally and a sneak peek into the mastermind I am launching that covers a whole section of perfectionism


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