Author Cynthia Hammer’s journey with inattentive ADHD first began when she received her diagnosis at the age of 49, a pivotal moment that sparked her passion for advocacy and education. She founded the non-profit ADD Resources, which aimed to educate adults about ADHD and grew to become a thriving organization.    Then, while in Covid isolation Cynthia wrote her memoir, Living with Inattentive ADHD, and through her book she discovered the disheartening truth that children and adults with inattentive ADHD in particular continue to be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. This realization led her to establish The Inattentive ADHD Coalition, a new non-profit with a mission to ensure that children with inattentive ADHD are diagnosed by the age of 8 and that adults seeking help receive accurate diagnoses.   During our conversation, Cynthia and I discuss the unique challenges faced by individuals with inattentive ADHD, the reasons why it’s missed so often, the value of early diagnosis, and the critical work her organization is doing to change things, thirty years after her diagnosis. Cynthia's expertise and advocacy efforts shed light on a lesser-known aspect of ADHD and bring hope to those who have long struggled without a proper diagnosis. I’m just delighted to share Cynthia’s insights with you this episode. What I love most about her is that she has no plans to retire and fade into the sunset. Instead, she spends hours a day helping those with ADHD. When I grow up, I hope to be just like her. Resources: Website: Questionnaires that are helpful for identifying adults and children with possible inattentive ADHD: and       Parent support groups on FB:   Mastering your ADHD brain means learning how to trust yourself. Sign up now:  

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Hello, my brilliant friends! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Blends, my daily ten-minute audio mix of coaching, mindfulness, affirmations, and more, designed to create positive emotions and regulate our ADHD brains. It's a labor of love, and you can get a whole year of Blends for just $47 at