“So that’s why my son takes so long to get ready for school, every single day, no matter what I say.”  “She never remembers half of what I ask her to do, it’s easy things too.”  “He can do his multiplication tables fine at home but he is slowest in class on the 3 minute […]

The post Slow Processing Speed appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

“So that’s why my son takes so long to get ready for school, every single day, no matter what I say.”  “She never remembers half of what I ask her to do, it’s easy things too.”  “He can do his multiplication tables fine at home but he is slowest in class on the 3 minute tests at school.”  Does this sound familiar? Slow processing speed may be the problem. Often a part of ADHD but it can also be the primary issue instead of ADHD. 

My guest today is Dr. Ellen Braaten, Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, Executive Director of LEAP (Learning and Educational Assessment Program) at Massachusetts General Hospital, author ofBright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up, and an expert in the field of processing speed, ADHD and LD.

      Slow Processing Speed

·        what is it?

·        how does it show up at home and school ?

·        how can you as a parent best help your child succeed?

Join us! Listen and Learn !

The post Slow Processing Speed appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.