We’re featuring something a little different on the program this week. We’ll hear from a World Matters storytelling event titled “Foreign Faux Pas - Stories of Navigating Cultural Differences.” Formatted in the style of Arctic Entries, we’ll hear some “Oh no” moments from fellow Alaskans that have traveled abroad.
Thanks for listening!

Larry Rivers speaking at a World Matters event hosted by the Alaska World Affairs Council. Photo: Robin Spaulding.

We’re featuring something a little different on the program this week. We’ll hear from a World Matters storytelling event titled “Foreign Faux Pas – Stories of Navigating Cultural Differences.” Formatted in the style of Arctic Entries, we’ll hear some “Oh no” moments from fellow Alaskans that have traveled abroad.

Thanks for listening!



Megan Zlatos
Larry Rivers

Michael Anthony Simpson

Tam Agosti-Gisler

Rebecca Pottebaum


Amanda Dale, co-host of New Arrivals


Alaska World Affairs Council


Alaska World Affairs Council website for the event

RECORDED: Friday, March 13th, 2017 at 49th Brewing Company.

BROADCAST: Tuesday, March 13th, 2018. 2:00 pm – 3:00 p.m. AKT


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