KSKA Tuesday, Jan. 23 2017, at 2:00 p.m.

“Healthcare” from Flickr user: Michael Havens

On this show, we are continuing our month-long series on healthcare by examining the causes for the difference between healthcare costs in the United States, and Alaska’s healthcare costs, which have been shown to be the highest of any state and arguably the highest in the world.

You will hear each of the seven panelists begin the program with a 4-minute introduction, setting out each person’s views on the causes for Alaska’s high healthcare costs. Then they will challenge each other by asking pertinent questions.




Dr. Alan Gross, orthopedic surgeon
Dr. Robert (R.J.) Hall, orthopedic surgeon
Bruce Lamoureux, Senior VP/CEO, Providence Alaska Region
Jennifer Meyhoff, Legislative Co-Chair, Alaska Association of Health Underwriters
Dr. Stanley Watkins, cardiologist at Alaska Heart and Vascular Institute
Lori Wing-Heier, Director of the Alaska Division of Insurance
Charles Wohlforth, author/columnist/broadcaster


Cliff Groh, Chair of Alaska Common Ground


Alaska Common Ground


Alaska Common Ground’s series “Can Alaska’s High Healthcare Costs Be Cured?”


BROADCAST: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 2:00p.m.

RECORDED: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 49th State Brewing Company.


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