Coach Blu interviews Luc Zoratto. Luc is an amazing agent of sobriety! Luc is from Toronto, Canada, a sober life coach, a sober marathon runner (2:55:49), and six years alcohol-free. Listen as he shares his high-energy message about the lessons in life and his amazing journey to sobriety!

Please listen to another Coach Blu Podcast

Agents of Recovery

Luc Zoratto Instagram

“You’ve just shifted your addiction from alcohol to running.”
I hear it all the time.
But here’s the thing.

Alcohol is always the easy choice.
Running is always the hard choice.

Alcohol is a way out.
Running is a way in.

Alcohol constricts the mind.
Running expands it.

Alcohol mutes the senses.
Running electrifies perception.

Alcohol removes you from reality.
Running places you squarely in it.

Alcohol fuels false bravado.
Running forces a confrontation with humility.

Alcohol lies.
Running tells the truth.

Alcohol begets denial.
Running begets acceptance.

All roads with alcohol lead to loneliness.
All trails with running lead to community.

Alcohol stole my life.
Running gave birth to a new one.

In other words, alcohol is a prison.
Running is freedom.

Because to drink is to run away.
But to run is to drink in wonder.

✌🏼🌱🏃🏽‍♂️ -Rich Roll
PS - my backyard is dope.
PPS - swap ‘alcohol’ for any addictive substance or behavior that moves your life in the wrong direction.
PPPS - swap ‘running’ for your preferred spiritual practice, mode of movement, or healthy habit that moves you in the right direction.