This week's episode is a collaboration and panel discussion with professionals on the topic of Sex Addiction and Betrayal Trauma. 

Our relationship is deeply rooted in emotion. You share your memories, accomplishments, goals, hopes, and dreams with your significant other or partner. You have come to rely on each other for emotional support and guidance. This can make being betrayed by your partner even more devastating than being betrayed by a friend or family member because the betrayal affects so many aspects of your life.

When we are betrayed by someone we love, it feels like the world is ending. We wonder how we will get through our days, let alone survive them. Our hearts are broken and our trust is shattered.

When this person was supposed to be your safe place, your anchor in life, your heart can feel like it has been torn out of your chest. Betrayal trauma can send us into a tailspin that can take years to recover.

Sexual betrayal is one of the most intense and impactful types of betrayal because sex is supposed to be an intimate experience between two people who love each other. It is the act of giving all of yourself to your significant other or partner and being completely vulnerable. When this happens outside of a committed relationship, it can feel like a complete violation of trust and loyalty.

Panel Guests 

Kathy Kinghorn, LMHC

Marni Bown, Life Coach specializing in Betrayal Trauma

Raquel Custer, APSATS, Life Coach

Holly Martinez, CMHC

Sheri Loveless Braithwaite. or

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