James Yount comes from a family of addiction and a history of trauma. He struggled with anger, addiction, overeating, and suicidal ideation. In 2020 he decided he didn't recognize the reflection in the mirror and flushed all his dope. A few months later, he set a goal to do the dishes and take his dog for a daily walk. He has been clean and sober since that first day and has now lost 155 lbs in the last 18 months.

James says, "I know if I stay here, I will become comfortable, and being comfortable is what led me to being uncomfortable. There is a difference between discomfort and pain. I don't want to go back to the pain, but I don't mind the discomfort. Discomfort is what makes a diamond. Discomfort is what makes a pearl. Discomfort has lead me to the growth I am experiencing today."

It is essential not to take any waking moment for granted. Be introspective and self-aware to be able to change. Early behaviors are learned, so they can be unlearned. What are your coping mechanisms?

This is a fantastic episode you don't want to miss. Follow James on Instagram. James has a goal to start a faith-based fitness recovery center in time.