Coach Blu interviews Shad Feild, cowboy, pilot, and son of Lewis Feild. After a traumatic plane crash in August 2020, Shad didn't know if he would ever walk again. He met team Addict II Athlete when he started a HIIT class with Coach James Johnson to help him build his strength back. Coach Johnson immediately invited him skydiving with the team to help him erase and replace that experience.

Shad shares how his mindset was the pinnacle to being able to handle this trial. Shad said, "I was taught from a very young age to get back on that horse when you get bucked off! It’s not always easy to conquer our fears but it’s so freeing. I felt like it would be a good way to erase some of the negative brought on by the accident and replace it with something BIG, something I’d remember and have somewhat of a fresh start with my love for aviation."

You can watch the last few minutes of the plane crash here, subscribe to Shad's YouTube channel, and follow him on Instagram.

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