This week's podcast features Lena Cebula, an author of a spiritual autobiography called  “Miraculous”, founder of Love&BLoved an organization that grew from her personal journey and her autobiography. Lena has a powerful story that completely encompasses the "Erase and Replace" philosophy as she struggled with drug addiction and found herself caught in human trafficking. Listen as she speaks from the heart understanding the principles of overcoming adversity through doing the challenging and difficult work of healing from the trauma that had been caused. How she turned her mess into the message and now fonds herself thriving in marriage, raising her 3 beautiful children, and focusing her efforts toward helping others in her situation by blogging, speaking, and standing as an advocate for women in need, victims of human trafficking. We invite you to listen to her message and please share with others who need to hear stories of forgiveness and second chances.

For more information on Lena Cebula and her work please follow the links below. 






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