Today's episode is for our Minor League (18 and under). Savannah is Coach Blu's 17 yo daughter. On this episode she and Coach Blu discuss moving forward and glancing back and how they are complementary actions that shape our journey through life. She hosts this episode to discuss teen issues. Moving forward represents our constant drive to grow, evolve, and embrace new experiences. It is the propulsion that propels us towards our goals and aspirations, pushing us beyond our comfort zones. Moving forward allows us to learn from our past, make necessary adjustments, and seize opportunities for personal and professional growth. On the other hand, glancing back is an essential reflection of our past experiences. It enables us to acknowledge our accomplishments, learn from our mistakes, and gain wisdom from the lessons life has taught us. Glancing back provides us with a broader perspective, helping us appreciate our journey and make informed decisions for the future. Balancing both moving forward and glancing back allows us to navigate our path with intention, resilience, and continuous self-improvement. 

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