Andrew Crow is a senior experience designer, trainer, and speaker at Adaptive Path. He has a passion for developing innovative design solutions for customers' needs.

Initially a print and web designer, Andrew moved into information architecture and interaction design to promote holistic user experiences to corporate clients. Andrew has over 12 years of design, technical, and strategic experience in the technology industry.

Before joining Adaptive Path, Andrew managed the web and user experience team at Princess Cruises where he led the development of an entirely new online booking system, e-ticket solution, and online branding and marketing initiatives. Prior to that, he worked with element18 and Interfocus Advertising in Los Angeles.

Continually obsessed with the latest technologies in the mobile and gaming space, Andrew advises on the design of Palm, Windows Mobile and iPhone applications, social networking, and collaboration software. He is an advocate of ubiquitous computing, and approaches projects with a desire to ensure that the experience of the device fits into the overall product strategy.

Past clients and employers include Ameriprise,, Cunard Line, ICTV, ILIO Entertainment, Millimeter Magazine, Princess Cruises, and Second Life.

Andrew is a member of American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), Interaction Design Association (IxDA), and the Information Architecture Institute (IAI).

We spoke to Andrew in San Francisco at the Adaptive Path Conference in April 2008.

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